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Explaining Our System

Explaining Our System

Explaining Our System

The International Center for Persian Studies offers a variety of courses.

The Persian program at Shiraz University offers six levels of language study drawing upon the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (CEFR). This is because using a known international system can lead to better understanding and closer co-operations among different language study centers across the globe.

The purpose of the whole Persian program is to make the learners competent and proficient in Persian. All the courses follow a communicative approach to language teaching, focusing on the language you need to communicate in authentic situations. The levels defined based on CEFR present a clear and comprehensive description of what learners need to learn in order to be able to use the Persian language effectively. Also, the descriptors provided for each level of proficiency make it easier to gauge the progress at each level of proficiency more objectively which would be more understandable to learners, teachers and other stakeholders as well.

The six levels include two basic levels (A1 and A2), two intermediate levels (B1 and B2), and two advanced levels (C1 and C2). The levels can be fine-tuned into more specific and limited levels depending on the participants' needs. Learners are strongly recommended to complete at least B2 in order to be able to effectively study at an Iranian university in future, though B1 may probably be enough for some situations (depending on the field of study).