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Persian for Specific Purposes

Persian for Specific Purposes

Persian for Specific Purposes

Learners often need Persian for Specific Purposes and the purpose of this course is to address immediate and very specific needs of learners who are focused on research aims, education, training, or simply for their personal interests.

In these courses, emphasis is less on conversational abilities and more on developing particular needs: whether it is improving learners' vocabulary and reading skills, or developing their ability to use academic jargon for a particular field. As such, needs analysis is the fundamental element for the development of Persian for Specific Purposes: the syllabus is a negotiated which is informed on the one hand by the learners' wishes and needs and on the other hand by the expertise and advice of supervisors and teachers at our Center. Consequently, the content of the course and the time and duration can vary a lot and will be specified on a case-by-case basis.

These courses are less regularly in demand and learners will most likely take private lessons.