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Summer School 2023

Summer School 2023

A Dream Summer in Shiraz, Summer School 2023

This Summer School is organized by International Center of Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers is the most beautiful in the world, Shiraz, the city of poets, literature, and flowers at the most beautiful in IRAN, the best universities in Iran, the University of Shiraz.

Main Features

*Fruitful information about the classic and contemporary Persian Literature

* Learning Persian through practicing Persian songs

*Artwork & calligraphy workshops

* Learning Persian through watching hit Persian films

* Shiraz city tours, including visits to the historical and tourist attractions


*Accommodation options are all inside the campus of the University of Shiraz

* The campus is located in the best area of Shiraz

*It has a walking distance of high-quality city amenities such as subway and shopping areas

Who can apply?

Anyone (students, non-students,…) at all persian proficiency levels( from true beginners to advanced)and at all ages.

How to register?

To register for the program, please contact: 

persian or watsApp at +98 9177113397


Program fee ( tuition + accommodation+ shiraz tours + food)  :   800$

Important Dates: Deadline for registration June 6th

                              Program start date Aug.12th to Sep.11th