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Teacher Training Courses

Teacher Training Courses

Teacher Training Courses

A very important stream of our education system is to Teacher Training courses for teachers of Persian as a Second Language or, as it is commonly known in Iran, Teachers of Persian to non-Persian Speakers. These courses are held once or twice a year, sometimes in collaboration with other institutions such as the Sa'di Foundation or the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.

This course aims at providing pre-service and in-service language instructors with continuous professional development opportunities. It provides them with the latest information about language teaching and assessment issues and helps them learn and develop useful skills and strategies that are critical for high-quality education. It also helps develop teaching skills and knowledge required to address students' learning challenges. The course will draw upon various recent models of teacher education in an attempt to offer the best to the participants. The course can be offered as a short-term intensive course or as a long-term regular course that can last from 2 weeks to 2 months depending on the participants' background and needs.

Participants who successfully complete a course will receive an internationally recognized certificate.